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The Ravenloft saga accompanies the ISO of the year: Touché
Day by day, month by month, as time goes on implacable like a judge in The Abandon Dungeon, life is not life as the song would say, but worse. Either by ignorance of the newcomers, or the existence of a glimmer of hope about getting out of this filthy place, the first few weeks have nothing to do with the rest of the stay of our troubled inmates. Only watching their worn out faces among the rusty bars of their tiny, stinky cell, one can check the calvary that each inmate have to suffer. The absence of any sensory stimulus and contact with the external world completely undermine the already fragile minds of our decimated prisoners. Meanwhile, the scene every Friday is contemplated, all of them mechanilly marching under the deafening silence of these underground galleries road to the torture chambers is just plain scary.

Oblivious to this, or not ..., once again I try to meet your demands carried out in the forum with this new updating. In the one hand, the shelves of The Dungeon are occupied by 5 titles from the mid 90’s with a more than remarkable quality: Abuse, Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall, Ravenloft: Strahd’s Possession and Ravenloft: Stone Prophet.

I also contribute to your entertainment with an ISO I have reaped from my harvest as usual with each update. In this case, the choice is one of the most highly regarded graphic adventures over the past decade by both experts and users: Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer.

With the self-satisfaction of duty done I leave to my room but not before mentioning, as every year, for the most important date ever held in this place, which is none other than the Halloween Night the next October 31. Until then, I bid you farewell, my dear prisoners ...


Translated by Obijuan

Enviado el Domingo, 11 diciembre 2011 a las 23:37:45 CET por guardian

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