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The Abandon Dungeon jackpot raises up to 125€ in the Spanish Lottery “Drawing for the Child”
Fortune didn’t smile at anyone during The Abandon Dungeon Christmas Drawing, commenced in last September. As usual, and after weeks of tickets removal, the final winner was not an active user of the site, so the jackpot has been thickened again coinciding with the new Lottery Draw of The Child held on January 6. Thus, 125 € are what may be the winner of this classic drawing of the web earn, whenever he had shown active participation in each of the sections are detailed in the official thread. Also, without being active, the user whith the winner ticket, will opt for the other two prizes consisting of adding 100 points to his account in The Abandon Dungeon and a total of five ISO’s from different genres that will be provided through its corresponding links.

I thank again our sponsor Paysafecard for its trust, without which it would be impossible to hold such contests and drawings. In turn, I encourage all members here to help with the site’s growth and development as much as possible by submitting articles, shopping at the site and participate in other activities offered here, to have options of taking a cash prize that is becoming more substantial.

I can only wish you good luck to everyone, especially the most frequent and active users, and paraphrasing our favourite bald man that four years has accompanied us on TV: “May the luck be with you”.


Translated by Obijuan

Posted by guardian on Miércoles, enero 11 @ 02:32:11 CET
(comments? Tournaments and Contests | Score: 5)

Released Duke Nukem Forever without previous notice! [DECEMBER 28TH 2008 FOOL'S DAY]
Become one of the greatest mysteries of the world of playful software, 10 years ago the enterprise 3D Realms announced the development, quite advanced of what it would be the best shooter ever, after the success of its immediate predecessor, Duke Nukem 3D. What at first was assumed to be one of the most outstanding news of the day for the lovers of the genre is expected was translated in the most desired and suffered traumatic for many users after the project delays and cancellations.

As time went on, both the programs and the graphics systems used for the game were totally outdated, which together with other problems meant that the release was delayed again and again, exhausting the patience of fans of the series. Discouragement began to be present in all of them, assimilating that what it could be one of the most awesome titles of the decade, would be reduced to a mere outbreak. Even in recent years it had not been provided any information, which seemed to mean the definitive cancellation of the project.

However, nothing is further from reality. The american company 3D Realms surprised yesterday everyone with an announcement that seemed unrealistic for years: The completion of such an arduous and controversial project. It has also used the statement to officially confirm that in the next 2009 early days, all users will be able to enjoy the highly anticipated game in specialized shops and stores.

Thus, 3D Realms keep its word after a long time and pay off the debt that still retained with all its users by offering a title that hopefully will meet the expectations generated throughout this time in terms of quality and prize.


Translated by Obijuan

Posted by guardian on Miércoles, enero 11 @ 02:21:03 CET
(comments? Current Games | Score: 5)

One more year ... Merry Christmas to all prisoners!
Almost without we realise, we have spent one more year in the calendar, which in turn implies that there are less than two weeks left for the third birthday of our spooky and filthy dungeon, a remarkable record if we bear in mind what it costs today a project gets consolidated in the network of networks. Whether we like it or not, such a special days deal with us sometimes with excessive advance as evidenced by the streets of every country of the world’s geography. This are decorated for the occasion with a wide range of colored light and ornaments, accompanied by a myriad of popular tunes as carol that young and old people sing nonstop. However, the austerity of The Dungeon, so characteristic throughout the year, makes a wink to that habits these days offering a much more suitable and in turn strange image for prisoners throughout the year dwell on this terrifying place against their will.

It is also noteworthy that unlike previous years the situation of The Abandon Dungeon during this period is fully stable, a stability that has been the usual note throughout the year. We have left behind us the countless failures of the server and some other unfortunate incident that made the page hang in the balance. It appears, therefore, that we can finally celebrate a real Christmas in this, our dungeon.

I can’t say goodbye without highlighting the work of many of my men here. Important work has been done by the always enigmatic Mercenario, who got  to establish himself as the supreme head of the dungeons, controlling everything from his dependences. At his service, the executioners Niktgrump and Darius and Guybrush_11 the torturer, whose work less fine and not too clean has even managed to sow terror among the prisoners in this place. Very important has been the work developed by our vigilants Killer_666 and 7f4df451, that have been responsible of maintaining order in each dependence. Like them, the sentry guards Marxianna and Puaj, Williamking, Lord_Damian have recently joined their respective positions, showing a great experience and fulfilling its role to perfection. Finally, I can’t forget the more than 4000 remaining prisoners, whose suffering and painful stay at The Dungeon have made it to work with the precission of a swiss watch.

For this and for all of them, I wish you a very happy and terrifying celebrations here and see you in 2009! My most ghoulish greetings, my dear prisoners ...


Translated by Obijuan

Posted by guardian on Jueves, diciembre 22 @ 17:34:47 CET
(comments? Dungeon News | Score: 5)

Christmas is coming and with it, the greatest ISO updating of the year
While this year is on its last throes, all people, belonging to one or the other cultures, are preparing for receiving such special dates in the middle of an orgy of lights and more or less harmonious carols that flood the streets and the corners of countries and cities of the world geography. This situation, however, goes completely unnoticed to our malnourished and afflicted prisoners that, not being able to reunite with their loved ones can only use their already fragile and fleeting brains to keep his memory alive. The decked balconies and picturesque streets of every places clash with the usual austerity in The Dungeon not only these days, but the rest of the year. Some do not come to Christmas Eve, other, fortunately or not, will ... Meanwhile, unfortunately for our survivors, activity continues in this grimy and gloomy place.

However, some dates as that concern us deserve a major updating with downloads that meets the demands and tastes of those present. Therefore, on this occasion, I present you three ISO’s and you can find from this moment in its corresponding section: Mad Dog McCree, Who Shot Johnny Rock? and Time Gate: Knight's Chase.

We can afford such a waste because of the removal of other titles in the same format, that hadn’t met the expectations nor of the users, nor of myself: Zombieville and Bud Tucker in Double Trouble, so that we have freed kind of space in the hosting to spend a few months peacefully.

I say goodbye to you for a short period of time, because when Christmas period lurk, I’ll be here again to remember it to you, my dear prisoners ... Muhahaha!


Translated by Obijuan

Posted by guardian on Jueves, diciembre 22 @ 17:23:56 CET
(comments? Downloads | Score: 5)

Alcachofa Soft releases its last production: The Abbey
Barely three weeks ago, and after being distributed in the main European markets, came to our country The Abbey, the latest and most recent production of Emilio de Paz and the national factory Alcachofa Soft by hand of the company Friendware, for joy and delight of all the stalwarts of the graphic adventures genre, that throughout the year have been waiting for this moment after several statements about the delay of the release. The waiting, however, was worth after checking the finished game, at the height of the largest and most valuable adventure games of the last year and, above all, being a special edition more complete and colorful than previously distributed in Germany, France and the USA. The extras the user will find are many and varied, and unreleased stuff that can only be enjoyed by those who acquire the title in Spain.

Thus, Emilio de Paz and his partners Daniel Iborra and Santiago Lancha, fulfilled a dream that was pay a small tribute to what is surely the most outstanding classical Spanish playful software: The Abbey of Crime, based in the play The Name of the Rose and its corresponding film. The influences are clear and are reflected repeatedly throughout the game as nostalgic winks to such famous title, that once surprised the lovers of this fascinating genre. However, Alcachofa Soft does not forget its roots in this production, showing off the characteristic humor that this enterprise from Toledo prints to all his works when the occasion merits.

The game places the user as Leonardo of Toledo, a royal counselor whose aim is to clarify the origin of a series of crimes that have occurred in a remote abbey, for what will be his faithfull Bruno. Pure suspense spiced with a few drops of humor in an adventure that has managed to combine perfectly the settings made in two dimensions with 3D character models. In turn, the title has a superb soundtrack composed by Emilio de Paz and John Given, while for the dubbing has been made great efforts to have te voices of top-level performers as Ramón Langa and Miguel Ángel Jenner, among others.

We are, therefore, faced with one of the best works in the history of the spanish playful software, so poor and needy for releases like the one at hand to revive a genre that over the past two decades has asserted its identity and with titles like The Abbey won’t be easy to dead.


Translated by Obijuan

Posted by guardian on Jueves, diciembre 22 @ 17:15:35 CET
(comments? Current Games | Score: 5)

The Abandon Dungeon presents the Die Hard and Heimdall sagas together with the Exhumed ISO
More than two weeks have elapsed since these dependencies of The Dungeon were taken by the most terrifying and abominable beings imagined in a bloody night that left a huge number of tortures and deaths by these creatures. Such a grisly episode that will be remembered in this terrifying place has resulted in an atmosphere of calm in these recent days, a tense calm that can be breathed in each gallery, in each corner ... Lots of images that the survivors had the misfortune (or not) to witness that terrible night which persists as a hammer repeating over and over again in their tormented heads,  something that will mark even more for the rest of their ephemeral lives, in this bleak, shady place. Guilt can accompany any human till the day of his death, like pain.

As a consolation to such a bitter situation and bearing in mind that this is the last game updating of this 2008 until the activity is back in a month and a half, I inform you that, as usual, five titles have been uploaded: Die Hard, Die Hard 2: Die Harder, Heimdall and Heimdall 2: Into the Hall of Worlds.

Furthermore, the remaining title is offered to you in ISO format. It’s a shooter, a genre that should had a place in The Abandon Dungeon long ago, because of its staging some kind of innovative and the presence of the same article in the corresponding section: Exhumed.

I leave, but not before remind you that several of the tournaments and contests of the site are running for weeks, so you can participate in all of them.


Translated by Obijuan

Posted by guardian on Jueves, diciembre 22 @ 17:02:07 CET
(comments? Downloads | Score: 5)

The 2nd Abandon Dungeon Trivia season begins
After a remarkable success of participation during the first half of the year, the Abandon Dugeon Trivia League comes back in its second season. The competition system is established from the outset has been to everyone’s liking, what has made this tournament the most important and expected of all those held at the site. The classification method by divisions, similar to used in soports events, with the awards presented at the end of each season and earned points for each user’s personal rating make this league really entertaining and interesting for all those who, once they have been registered in The Abandon Dungeon, choose to participate.

As was done last season, this will have four tests being raised each with a gap of one month prior to the immediately preceding. Currently there are two tests uploaded (characters and varied images abandonware) in the absence of two (varied curiosities abandonware and general knowledge of The Abandon Dungeon) that are activated during the months of December and January. However, all of them will remain active until February, the date of season closing, so that participation can take place at any time.

I suggest, finally, carefully read the guidelines that I have left in the module before accessing each test, in order you can make it properly and avoid system failures.


Translated by Obijuan

Posted by guardian on Lunes, diciembre 12 @ 00:23:23 CET
(comments? Tournaments and Contests | Score: 5)

Hallowe’en Night in The Abandon Dungeon (III)
With hardly have realised, one more year we face the most important festivity in The Dungeon are held by their historical roots and its importance in most of societies and cultures. A date that, as there can be any other way, has a great deal of horror as the main element and characteristic spiced with a few drops of mystery, uncertainty and magic that makes this a “dish” recommended only for those people without feelings of fear and anxiety because of its distinctive gloomy nature. Also known as the Night of the dead and spirits because of its popular ancestral tradition, these leaved cemeteries to seize the bodies of living people and thus, back to life. All the villagers were prey of terror, and they were seeking refuge in their homes to deal with such terrifying creatures.

As usual in this gloomy place, the galleries have been embellished over the week by the most horrific decorative motifs that  at all clash with the environment you can breath here the rest of the year. The prisoners, far from enjoying as the rest of the mortals do, will have to escape and break free from the claws of goblins, zombies, banshees, witches, undead and other grotesque creatures who try to eat their malnourished bodies during this night. Again, Mercenario and Niktgrump will summon the spirits as a means of torture, but, are they safe themselves ...?


Translated by Obijuan

Posted by guardian on Lunes, diciembre 12 @ 00:07:40 CET
(comments? Dungeon News | Score: 5)

Guybrush_11 triumphs in the Logical Intelligence Tournament
A few weeks ago came to an end the 1st Abandon Dungeon Logical Intelligence Tournament, the longest of those held so far over the three years of life of the page, having served half that time with a competition with has tried to entertain everyone who wished to take part on it. Up to fifty more or less difficult riddles have been provided for the lucid minds of our competitive prisoners who have completed with flying colours in this first edition, showing a great capacity to every challenges that time to time were proposed. Because of we can have only one winner, the man has been Guybrush_11, that with an overwhelming dominance has finaly triumph against his closests pursuers (Harton, Niktgrump, 7f4df451 and CNL) as shown below in final classification:

Thus, Guybrush_11 adds 100 points in his The Abandon Dungeon account, Harton earns 50 points as second placed, and 25 points go for Niktgrump, 7f4df451 and CNL sharing third position in the tournament.

Congratulations to all the winners and thank all those involved. Also, I invite you to continue participating in these contests and tournaments that continue taking place in this, your dungeon.


Translated by Obijuan

Posted by guardian on Domingo, diciembre 11 @ 23:54:01 CET
(comments? Tournaments and Contests | Score: 5)

The Ravenloft saga accompanies the ISO of the year: Touché
Day by day, month by month, as time goes on implacable like a judge in The Abandon Dungeon, life is not life as the song would say, but worse. Either by ignorance of the newcomers, or the existence of a glimmer of hope about getting out of this filthy place, the first few weeks have nothing to do with the rest of the stay of our troubled inmates. Only watching their worn out faces among the rusty bars of their tiny, stinky cell, one can check the calvary that each inmate have to suffer. The absence of any sensory stimulus and contact with the external world completely undermine the already fragile minds of our decimated prisoners. Meanwhile, the scene every Friday is contemplated, all of them mechanilly marching under the deafening silence of these underground galleries road to the torture chambers is just plain scary.

Oblivious to this, or not ..., once again I try to meet your demands carried out in the forum with this new updating. In the one hand, the shelves of The Dungeon are occupied by 5 titles from the mid 90’s with a more than remarkable quality: Abuse, Entomorph: Plague of the Darkfall, Ravenloft: Strahd’s Possession and Ravenloft: Stone Prophet.

I also contribute to your entertainment with an ISO I have reaped from my harvest as usual with each update. In this case, the choice is one of the most highly regarded graphic adventures over the past decade by both experts and users: Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer.

With the self-satisfaction of duty done I leave to my room but not before mentioning, as every year, for the most important date ever held in this place, which is none other than the Halloween Night the next October 31. Until then, I bid you farewell, my dear prisoners ...


Translated by Obijuan

Posted by guardian on Domingo, diciembre 11 @ 23:37:45 CET
(comments? Downloads | Score: 5)

Noticias anteriores

Domingo, diciembre 04
· Mercenario and Niktgrump achieve both victories in the 1st season of the Trivia League
· The Abandon Dungeon raffles a wonderful jackpot of 100 € for Christmas
· The Guardian achieves victory in the second edition of Online Games Tournament
· The Air Power and Comanche simulators show a new kind of games for first time in The Abandon Dungeon
· EA celebrates its 13th anniversary giving the first part of the Red Alert saga
· First war titles in The Abandon Dungeon accompanying the Alien Incident ISO
· The Abandon Dungeon draws a 75 € jackpot this summer
· Action in The Abandon Dungeon starring Indiana Jones
Domingo, noviembre 27
· The Abandon Dungeon draws a 60 € Historic Jackpot in its 6th Lottery
· A new scoring system for The Abandon Dungeon

Older Articles


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9: TheRealNig..395
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