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Publicado: Mie May 24, 2023 7:05 pm Asunto: Covid Carl
Hi, I'm new to the site and am not very good with Spanish, but was told I could post this. I am a solo game developer and Covid Carl is the first game I have fully developed.
The game was built with 16ish bit graphics and was modeled after the Contra series. It came about originally as a prank to poke fun of issues that we were having with our boss at work. As I have OCD with not completing a project, I kept working on it for a couple of years until it became what it is today.
The story of Covid Carl follows the player as they attempt to stop a super soldier from a government project to vaccinate everyone. In typical fashion the government project goes awry and he starts mutating people instead. That's where you come in to shoot or burn almost everything that moves.
I did provide some localization for the menus(I used google translate, so forgive me if the translations are bad), the controls are customizable, and the game works great with a controller. The cutscenes are in English only.
Here is a gameplay video (I need to update it):
It's currently on Steam for both MacOS and Windows. It works great on the Steam Deck.
I must confess "Covid Carl" is not the kind of name that makes me want to buy a game, and I thought it would be some kind of educational stuff, or some amateur thing with floating viruses... BUT it is absolutely not what I expected. It looks great, fun, and is full of explosions and good designs. So now I really want it, it looks like some kind of Contra, with zombies, or infected, whatever they are I just wanna burn em all.
Congrats for the game and let's try it!
ooh, a contra-like game. I like the design of the enemies, some of the animals looks alive, and those Majin-bu aliens.
It seems that the enemies are distinguible over the scenarios, which it is great to know where everything is.
I don't know how usefull or strong is the flametrowher, if it is an "alternative weapon" (or that you can carry two and 1 could be that one), but using a normal bullets and switching to a very low range high damage (maybe?) fire attack reminds me of the navy moves game (1988).
Registrado: Oct 23, 2009 Mensajes: 527 Ubicación: Buenos Aires
Publicado: Mie May 24, 2023 11:10 pm Asunto:
A retro-shooter in the style of Contra? I'm in! Looks really great, looking forward to play it.
It's always nice to see old-school indie games being released, congrats on the game!!
Thanks for signing up and welcome to the site! I hope you enjoy the content and information that we share here. Also, you already know that you have my permission to publish everything you want about your current game and the ones you plan to develop in the future.
Covid Carl has an event going on to coincide with Halloween and Screamfest. There is an achievement for playing the game during this time. If you don't want to participate in the Scared of the Dark event and would like to view the game without the use of a flashlight, you can disable the lighting in the game settings.
Covid Carl is a Metroidvania/Contra-style 2d side-scrolling shooter. It will feature a brief story, 10 levels, and boss fights.
The story follows the player as they attempt to stop a super soldier from a government project to vaccinate everyone. In typical fashion the government project goes awry and he starts mutating people instead. That's where you come in to shoot or burn almost everything that moves. Shoot stuff, burn stuff, blow stuff up, and have fun doing it. That's the game in a nutshell. Not really much to sugarcoat. There's no planned DLC. There will be updates as needed for bugs and maybe a feature addition or two down the line.
Covid Carl was born out of frustration in dealing with certain societal elements during the Covid-19 pandemic. It has a pretty heavy dose of satire(is it, though?), some self-awareness about how bad it (the game) is, and hopefully more fun than frustration. Let's be honest, though. I'm not producing something that's AAA. You can run, jump, shoot, go prone, and die. Mostly die, in my experience, but I also might be getting too old to have good reflexes. There may or may not be a flamethrower involved. Who knows? I fully expect that the end product will be a mostly well-functioning dumpster fire. Clearly, I am not made out to be a salesman, as I am being honest and probably underselling this beast I've worked on for the last couple of years. But if it provides whoever pays a pittance for it with a modicum of entertainment, then I'll consider this endeavor a success. This isn't going to be a work of art, but it is my magnum opus.
To answer some of the questions that you may have:
The flamethrower is a constant weapon for the player, but it only has about 5 seconds of fuel before it has to recharge.
Carl was the guys name I was pranking, so the name Covid Carl derived from there.
There are multiple projectile weapons in the game that have different attributes. Generally the higher the damage, the slower the shooting speed.
The demo does not have all the latest updates, but that is on the list of things to do this weekend. However, it will still only be the first 2 levels of content.
Also, it just occurred to me that adding a feature similar to Contra III's ability to store a second weapon to swap between the two might be a good idea. I'll put that on the list too.
Hi, and welcome to the forum.
First of all, congratulations on your game!! I haven't seen it in action yet but it looks really funny.
It's complicated to make a game only by yourself and from what I've seen you've put a lot of work into it.
And on top of that it plays well on Steam Deck!!
I've been testing the game in order to write a review and make it known, both on the web and on social networks. However, I am running into some problems that I would like to ask you before doing so:
- The game runs excessively slow for me and the character seems to move in slow motion, quite the opposite of what is seen in the official videos.
- The game opens for me by default in a window cut off in the lower right corner, which forces me to open the task manager and maximize the window to full screen and thus be able to play.
Do you know what it could be? I hope you can provide me with a solution so that I can progress in the game and have something to write about.
I'll get a patch ready today for the window location. This silly bug pops up from time to time.
I'm unsure about the slowdown issue. Can I ask what are the specs of your computer? I'll get a test environment going using those conditions to see if I can recreate it.
OK, I have fixed the window starting position (again) and that update will be live this afternoon. Hopefully this time the code is future proof and won't break again.
I have a computer coming to me on Monday that is an i7-8750 with 16GB of RAM. It doesn't have the Geforce 1050 TI, but I will try to recreate the slowdown issue to figure out if it's a coding problem or a driver problem that I can code around.
Maybe we'll get lucky and the afternoon update will fix the slowdown issue without the need for further testing.
After testing on several Intel machines both with discrete graphics and without there seems to be some issue with Intel passing the game graphics over to the discrete card. As a temporary fix, make sure to go into the settings and turn off the Bloom setting. This should make the levels run at the proper speed since Intel graphics seem to have an issue with bloom shaders and whatnot.
I'm also implementing a change to turn the Bloom setting off in the game initialization.
I'll research and see if there's anything I can do code-wise to initialize the discrete graphics. It might be something that needs to be done on your computer to tell it to use the discrete graphics with Covid Carl if you want to utilize the Bloom lighting setting.
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