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Una nueva versión ha sido lanzada, la 0.13.0 y dos juegos que ya habían sido comentados pasan a obtener soporte con dicha versión: "Bud Tucker in Double Trouble" y "The 7th Guest".
Los chicos de "ScummVM" siguen en su empeño por hacerles una dura competencia a los de "DOSBox" y, en esta ocasión, nos confirman el soporte de 4 títulos nuevos:
- Return to Zork
- Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2
- The Manhole
- Rodney's Funscreen
Os transcribo las últimas novedades del proyecto "ScummVM":
SAGA: Inherit the Earth is completable again; AGOS, Groovie, Sword2: fixed many sound-related issues; Parallaction: fixed a bug in one of the puzzles; squashed a number of bugs in the GUI. Also iPhone, Symbian, WinCE ports are much improved and NDS and PS2 ports are back again since 0.11.0.
Os transcribo la que hay liada entre "Atari" y "ScummVM" por haber violado la primera los términos de la licencia GPL, ya que algunos de aquí como Puaj y Raul_B están bastante puestos en todo lo relativo a "software" de libre distribución y tendrán algo que decir:
In December 2008, members of the ScummVM team discovered that three games for the Nintendo Wii console ("Freddi Fish: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds", published in Germany under the name "Fritzi Fisch und der verschwundene Schatz"; "Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside", published in Germany under the name "Pyjama Pit: Keine Angst im Dunkeln"; and "Spy Fox: Dry Cereal", published in Germany under the name "Spy Fox in: Das Milchkartell") made use of ScummVM, without complying with the terms of the GPL license. They sent a warning letter to the German distributor of these games, Atari Deutschland GmbH, who was not aware that ScummVM was used in the creation of the games. Atari Deutschland GmbH established contact with Mistic Software Inc., the developers of the games.
Mistic Software Inc. responded by denying that members of the ScummVM team hold any rights to the particular code they used. The dispute was ultimately settled in May 2009 by Mistic Software Inc. paying all legal fees and making a donation to the Free Software Foundation as a sign of good will, without acknowledging copyright infringement.
Os traigo las últimas novedades del proyecto "ScummVM":
- "Cruise for a Corpse" totalmente soportado y solucionados los "bugs" que presentaba.
- "Discworld" y "Discworld 2" totalmente soportados.
Además, dicho proyecto ha sido galardonado recientemente como el "Mejor Proyecto para Jugadores" del presente año 2.009, por lo que aprovechamos para felicitarles por tan importante logro y animarles a que sigan desempeñando esta labor en beneficio de la comunidad.
Los chicos de "ScummVM" han sacado una nueva versión de su ya clásica utilidad, la 1.0.0rc1, así que os dejo el listado de nuevas funciones y mejoras que presenta:
• Added support for Discworld
• Added support for Discworld 2 - Missing Presumed ...!?
• Added support for Return to Zork
• Added support for Leather Goddesses of Phobos 2
• Added support for The Manhole
• Added support for Rodney's Funscreen
• Added support for Cruise for a Corpse
• Improved GUI vastly: added quick search, introduced per-game options, improved mass-add dialog
• Broken Sword 1 & 2 now run with original cutscenes
• Increased The 7th Guest microscope puzzle difficulty to match original
• Major improvements to PSP, PS2 and WinCE ports
• New port for GP2X Wiz handheld game console.
Yo he jugado y terminado el Flight of the Amazon Queen en el ScummVM en Ubuntu Linux y la verdad no he encontrado ese 2% que le falta para ser 100% emulado jeje Ha sido todo fluído y sin fallos. Por cierto no la había jugado en su momento, no está mal aunque se hace algo corta.
No son muchas las novedades que se han sucedido a lo largo de estos últimos meses pero sí contamos con dos nuevos títulos soportados por el sistema "ScummVM", a saber:
Hace una semana los chicos de "ScummVM" acaban de sacar su versión 1.1.0 que pasa a soportar 7 juegos nuevos, a saber:
• Blue's Art Time Activities
• Blue's Reading Time Activities
• Dragon History
• Freddi Fish 5: The Case of the Creature of Coral Cove
• Pajama Sam: Games to Play on Any Day
• Spy Fox 3: Operation Ozone
• TeenAgent
Los chicos de "ScummVM" acaban de dar a conocer la nueva versión del proyecto (1.1.1) con sus correspondientes mejoras, a saber:
1.1.1 (2010-05-02)
New Ports:
- Added Nintendo 64 Port. (Actually added in 1.1.0, but forgot to mention it. oops)
- Fixed several minor bugs here and there.
- Fixed regression that caused some texts to always be in English, even when
using another language. (#2970211 - DRASCULA: missing german translation)
- Fixed a bug which caused the DOS versions to crash before the credits when
AdLib music is selected.
- Fixed several memory leaks.
- Corrected problems in the handling of followers when blocked from performing
actions by closed doors between rooms.
- Solved issues with Goewin not always correctly following the player out of the caves
- Fix video playback regression in Discworld 2.
- Fix several crashes and other regressions in Nippon Safes, including
bugs 2969211, 2969232, 2969234, 2969257, 2970141.
Wii/GameCube port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
- Added support for games using 16bit graphics.
- Complete GFX overhaul (new video modes, better performance,
picture smoothing, fine grained overscan settings).
- Added a new options dialog for Wii/Gamecube specific settings.
- Fixed a GFX glitch on savegame thumbnails.
- Added support for SMB mountpoints (Samba/Windows shares).
- Added an on-screen console, which is shown when ScummVM exits abnormally.
- Fixed a couple of crashes when using Ogg/Vorbis encoded sound files.
See the bundled READMII.txt file for more information.
PSP port: (Also forgot to mention in 1.1.0)
- Added plugin support which allows the PSP Phat to run every game.
- Added a new virtual keyboard optimized for rapid D-Pad input.
Los chicos de "SCUMMVM" acaban de anunciar que dentro de poco los juegos de "Sierra" basados en la tecnología SCI serán soportados en su totalidad por su emulador. Asimismo invitan a todos los que lo deseen a probar el funcionamiento de aquellos en busca de fallos antes de su lanzamiento definitivo.
Pues así ha sido. Tras anunciarlo en su "web" oficial hace dos meses finalmente podremos disfrutar con los títulos de "Sierra" a través del emulador "ScummVM" ya que se encuentran soportados al 100%. A continuación os dejo la nota de prensa del equipo:
CABAL (Coalesced 'Adventures beyond Architecture' League) finally came alive, and now for real. Yes, truly, it took us just 6.5 years, and today we are eagerly announcing that a universal adventure game interpreter, playing SCUMM, AGI, and SCI games has been released.
From now on, it is available on ScummVM's downloads page (Look for version 1.2.0). You may jump straight there, or stay a bit longer and see what cool new features are included.
As you have probably already realized, this release has support for SCI, and moreover, the list of compatible games goes beyond the original FreeSCI which was merged about 1.5 years ago. We support Conquests of Camelot/the Longbow, Castle/Island of Dr. Brain, Codename: ICEMAN, EcoQuest 1&2, all four Hoyle games, Freddy Pharkas, Jones in the Fast Lane, King's Quest I-VI, both Laura Bow games, Larry up to 6 (low-res 6 only), Police Quest 1-3, Quest for Glory I-III, Space Quest up to V and a few others. Incredible work by the FreeSCI team and our own SCI engine team!
Early SCI 16-color games can be optionally undithered by ScummVM, making them look much better. To see a comparison between undithered graphics and the original, watch this video produced by one of our SCI engine developers and see for yourself.
Besides SCI, we have added support for yet another Coktel Vision game called Fascination and we have a number of new ports: Android, Dingux, Caanoo and OpenPandora. Unfortunately we had to declare the PalmOS port officially dead.
As usual there are tons of engine-specific bug fixes. Take a look at the release notes if you want to know more. But wait! We would like to tell a little bit about another long-awaited feature new in this release. After all these years we are finally going international, and the ScummVM GUI can be translated into any language (well, almost any). Right now we have Catalan, English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian localizations. Besides this there are a lot of smaller improvements like tooltips, radio buttons, improved usability and we support more games running from original media without the need to shuffle the game files.
Enough talking! Now it is time to download ScummVM and start playing!
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