The downloads are back to The Abandon Dungeon
Fecha Domingo, 27 noviembre a las 02:17:47
Tema Downloads

The incessant drip from the leaky roofs of the many galleries that fill our dungeon is increasingly perceived by the prisoners who, still alive, reside in this filthy place. Silence breathed in every corner, in each passage, shows the torment that each prisoner is destined to live during the years he will be able to survive, the physical tortures inflicted to them everyday and the starvation and hardship they suffer. Such a bleak environment gradually undermines the psychology of their decimated bodies which draw strength from weakness in hope of being one day out of this gloomy, terrifying place, a chimera, knowing who is in power in this filthy place.

Such a situation deserves a terrifying update headed by a work of art, Return to the Phantom, accompanied by two other great classics such as Conquest of Camelot and Al-Qadim.

I remind you, there are 5 open tournaments in The Abandon Dungeon, result of the features that have been place on this web over the last few months with many juicy prizes.

I wish you all a stormy stay and the most inhuman tortures hang over your weak bodies ...


Translated by Obijuan

Este artículo proviene de La Mazmorra Abandon

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