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La Mazmorra Abandon - La mejor selección de abandonware de terror y misterio de la red :: Ver tema - X-Wing & TIE Fighter Collector's Edition [MU-1 Link C/U]
Registrado: Jun 05, 2010 Mensajes: 7 Ubicación: Noveno infierno
Publicado: Lun Jun 21, 2010 2:09 am Asunto: X-Wing & TIE Fighter Collector's Edition [MU-1 Link C/U]
X-Wing Collector's Edition — In 1994, after the release of Star Wars: TIE Fighter on 3.5" floppy disks, X-Wing was re-released along with its expansion packs, Imperial Pursuit and B-Wing, on CD-ROM. This edition includes various tweaks, bug-fixes, easier versions of certain missions, improved graphics, redesigned cut-scenes, bonus missions, and voiceovers for the mission briefings and the in-game radio messages. The in-flight engine, having been upgraded for this release, is the same as the one used in TIE Fighter, which is actually an improved version of the original X-Wing engine, modified for the initial release of TIE Fighter to support gouraud shading and other rendering enhancements. Owners of the floppy disk version could, at the time of release, send the back of their instruction manuals and money to LucasArts and receive a special "Gold Edition" of the CD-ROM version, which included the game on a golden CD-ROM and a free gift.
TIE Fighter Collector's Edition — The first special edition was the TIE Fighter Collector's CD-ROM, released in 1995. This version offered enhanced SVGA graphics, upping the game's resolution from 320x200 to 640x480. This edition also included two expansion packs: the previously released Defender of the Empire, and an exclusive pack called Enemies of the Empire. The second expansion pack included a new type of Imperial fighter called the Missile Boat, which had a single laser cannon, dual armaments of missiles and torpedoes/bombs, and a SLAM afterburner overdrive system. With the CD-ROM medium, LucasArts significantly redesigned several cinematic cutscenes and added a large amount of voiceovers.
Los juegos son la version Collector's Edition CD como dice el titulo pero lo hice portable con el emu del dosbox, los dos estan full y al ejecutarse se descomprimen en una carpeta de las temporales que lleva el mismo nombre que el archivo... esto lo digo por si quieren copiar los savegames, en algunas pc's el portable no funciona y hay que renombrar el archivo con la extension .zip y descomprimir todo para poder jugar.. del mismo modo se obtiene la imagen ISO del cd-rom.
Registrado: Jun 05, 2010 Mensajes: 7 Ubicación: Noveno infierno
Publicado: Lun Jun 21, 2010 2:24 am Asunto:
guardian escribió:
¡Muchas gracias por la información, Fr3ddy! Sé de unos cuantos aquí que son fans de la saga, así que supongo que les traerá muy buenos recuerdos
Si, especialmente esta version del tie fighter es algo dificil de conseguir, o porlomenos lo fue para mi que no lo encontre por separado y tuve que sacarlo de un dvd de the lucas arts archives...
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