The Abandon Dungeon reaches 100000 visitors!!!
Fecha Domingo, 27 noviembre a las 02:32:00
Tema Dungeon News

Just over two years have been enough to get a cypher that, at various times last year, it seemed impossible to achieve because of the unfortunately suffered problems, but that pushed the page to  a definitive way that has been achieved with patience and dedication to find a place among the most laureates of the sector: The Abandon Dungeon. A shaky start made way over time to an increasingly vocal popularity which attracted an audience avid of abandonware, in one of the most complicated stages lived by the scene, on the edge of extinction. However, this achievement made barely two days ago, should give us the strenght to continue with a project more and more necessary nowadays in order to satisfy the demands of all users.

So, I can only encourage you all in this third year so that, combining commitment, effort and dedication we are able to continue growing day by day with those who have unconditionally supported us. Now more than ever ... CONGRATULATIONS, ABANDON DUNGEON!!!


Translated by Obijuan

Este artículo proviene de La Mazmorra Abandon

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