First conversational adventures and the ISO of the year: Zombieville
Fecha Jueves, 03 noviembre a las 02:32:31
Tema Downloads

The image of The Dungeon day after day is devastating. Deeping into it’s innumerable galleries duiring just five minutes is more than enough to be able to write a best-seller. The funny thing is that, I don’t know if for pleasure and personal enjoyment or for routine, the situation is not so pityful for me like several weeks ago the public health inspector said. So many years into this spooky place have toughen me up till not only be indifferent about the suffering of my prisoners but also taking pleasure with it? Thruth is that, at times, I  think about it, but that doesn’t mind me at all. Hundreds of prisoners have passed through these rooms, some luckier than others, but all of them with a common fate at the end of their way ... Death.

For the limited leisure time you have in your smelly cells, I bring you four conversational adventures, loaded of mystery: Amnesia, Amazon, Ballyhoo and Corruption.

Besides, accompanying as a “main course” the mentioned “appetizers”, I present one of the most highlighted downloads of the web, if not the best: the so eagerly expected ISO for you all: Zombieville.

Remember you have a poll with three interesting titles since several days ago: Heart of Darkness, Zorton Brothers and Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Rose Tattoo. I'm waiting for your horrifying votes.


Translated by Obijuan

Este artículo proviene de La Mazmorra Abandon

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