Hallowe’en Night in The Abandon Dungeon
Fecha Jueves, 03 noviembre a las 02:20:12
Tema Dungeon News

October 31. The  dreadest night by some, long awaited by others has at last arrived. The galleries of The Dungeon become darker, if such a thing is possible, in view of a night loaded down of mystery and HORROR. It is breathed the so characteristic  smell of the previous minutes to the most terrific midnight of the year in each corner. A moment which has been thoroughly prepared during the  previous weeks in order to nothing lack in such a special day. Witches, goblins, banshees, zombies, walking dead, demons and monsters on the whole meet to frighten mortals, which close in they respective homes to avoid any way of contact with that strange, horrific beings. But what they don´t know is that not even in their houses they will be safe about what is coming ... muhahahahaha!

With the cells decorated with the typical marshmallow and my men using black magic to summon all kind of spirits we prepare the well expected most terrifying night for you all, prisoners. This has just begun and the countdown is running ...

I’ll be waiting for you all tomorrow ...


Translated by Obijuan

Este artículo proviene de La Mazmorra Abandon

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